
Personal guidance from Artem

Artem teaches by presence, dialogue, inquiry and guided meditation. He provides personal guidance in person, over video, and over text via our Discord community and other social platforms.

He often times says that the more direct and intimate the interaction with a teacher is, the more impactful and effective it is. The value of living presence cannot be overstated. His students report that a video interaction is dramatically different from a text one, and an in-person interaction is just as different from video. So we encourage you to choose the most direct form of interaction possible for you.

In person

Artem lives in San Francisco Bay Area and welcomes visitors. If you wish to visit him, please contact him via one of the platforms listed below.

True Freedom Teachings hosts quarterly intensive retreats in Northern California. To learn more, please click on the button below:



Artem hosts open video Satsangs every other Sunday at 11am PST and offers free and paid one-on-one video sessions. The Satsangs are announced on our Discord server and Facebook and broadcasted live on the following video platforms:

We encourage you to join the broadcasts live by following the StreamYard link which is posted to the comment section in the beginning of each broadcast and is also included in announcements.

Private sessions

For deep inner work Artem offers on-on-one video sessions, during which you will build greater intimacy with yourself, inquire into your psyche and discover how allowing suppressed emotions can help you transform your life and find lasting peace:

  • Receive guidance on your current spiritual path, meditation techniques and other forms of practice
  • Speak honestly and vulnerably about anything that bothers you and be held in a calm, loving, non-judgmental presence
  • Explore your current discomforts/difficulty in guided meditation
  • Perform active emotional/energy work through Radical Inquiry, uncovering and processing past traumas and unconscious beliefs of the ego-self in a safe, accepting environment
  • Deepen your clarity on self-understanding and learn to approach unconscious patterns and challenging emotions/energies in a mindful way

Artem is extraordinarily skilled at identifying the remaining suffering and self-deceit of the ego and employs a variety of techniques for you to see it as well, so if you're looking to do some shadow work, these sessions can be very productive. Even though Artem works with seekers as well, most of his students have had an awakening experience and are working on integration/embodiment of insight.

We built a tiered system to suit anyone’s financial abilities. Our prices range from $100 to $350 an hour. In addition, we offer limited $25 and free sessions for low income individuals who cannot afford the first tier or any payment at all. Please choose your tier based on your level of income. Artem works with people from all walks of life, and many of his students cannot afford to pay anything at all, so we rely on your honesty, consideration of others and respect for his time.

Schedule a one-on-one session with Artem


If you have a question for Artem you would like to ask over text, don't hesitate to send him a direct message on any of the following social media platforms (in the order of preference):

Please don't get discouraged if you don't hear back from him quickly! Sometimes he gets a lot of questions and so he doesn't have the time to respond. Attend his video Satsangs or schedule a one-on-one session with him via Calendly.

Community guidance

We have a thriving spiritual community on Discord, where people from all over the world, seekers and finders alike, help and support each other on the spiritual path, give love and receive love, and share insights and newfound understandings. It is also a place of support when the going gets really tough. If you wish to join our community, please click on the button below:


Written and video content

Lots of wisdom and good advice can be found in Artem's writings and recordings of his video Satsangs which are published on YouTube. We are also encouraging you to read and watch them!

Writings Video

Testimonials from students

I’m immensely grateful to Artem for both his personal guidance and the group he’s created. He has been supportive and given me space to explore and feel my emotions when I needed that. When I was stuck with certain beliefs or patterns he would probe and encourage me to question and investigate my experience more deeply. Even when we could not talk, his published seminars and Q&As are full of insightful material that often covers exactly the topics on my mind. 🙏


I do not know where to begin. I had countless issues with my father growing up. He has anger issues and it really affected my life since early childhood. I lacked the love from a fatherly figure. I sought that love from others whom I respected. But no one seemed to understand me and didn't reciprocate. I kept looking for love from other figures until one day I came across Artem... I do not know what it was but I sensed the love from him on an extremely deep level. He helped me overcome my traumas regarding my father and life. He helped me heal.

I have been learning from him for at least 3 years now. I still have a long way to go, but I am thankful to have him in my life. I will forever be grateful for what he has done for me and I hope we can remain friends throughout this lifetime. ❤️🙏


Artem is a wonderful spiritual teacher. I have met and spoken with Artem in person a few times in the beginning of my spiritual journey and each time I was left with much more clarity and surety in my journey. Even for advanced practitioners, working directly with Artem would be tremendously helpful as well. I am very grateful for Artem’s patience, guidance and compassion. His words and insights are invaluable. I would highly recommend Artem as a one-on-one spiritual teacher. In my opinion, Artem is one of the best spiritual teachers in our time.


I've known Artem and his online community for 3 years now. Artem's teaching was as simple as it was powerful for me - that the only way to understand (and by that overcome) my pain and suffering, was by giving attention and love to it, by exploring it. His inspiration, guidance and support have helped me a great deal through this incredibly intense, scary, joyful, difficult, and intimate years of exploring my inner experience deeper and deeper.

While my journey is still ongoing, I have changed a lot in those 3 years - I am a lot more peaceful, a lot more loving to myself and the people around me. My life is not a problem to be solved anymore, there is a lived understanding that there is nothing to achieve in life in order to be happy and content in it, that there is no way for me to fail in it. What was once my biggest fears seem like a silly joke in retrospect. I will always be grateful to Artem for his work, and the help he has offered me. ❤️


I was introduced to Artem’s teachings in 2019 after reading many other spiritual teachers, and he has by far the most clear, mature, consistent, and effective teaching I have come across. To call them life-changing isn’t an exaggeration. I am grateful to have stumbled across his teachings, as Artem isn’t as well known as other spiritual teachers out there despite the fact that his level of wisdom and clarity is rare to come across. However, this allowed for more intimate communication with him which I found incredibly valuable.


Artem’s approach to spirituality is subversive at its core, because there is no dogma, jargon or flowing robes - just grounded expressions of truth. Artem will always aim to meet you where you are, with attention and curiosity, making each interaction feel profoundly familiar, rather than mystical and puzzling.


Honest and direct, I couldn't ask for a better teacher and friend.



Artem is an authentically free individual on a mission to bring liberation of humanity from the human condition. My impression of Artem, formed over a few years, is that of a worldly man; equanimous, unperturbed and always peaceful. I came to believe his claims of freedom from all suffering and all attachment, and if you observe him over a long enough time frame and connect the dots, you will believe the same.

A free man is emotionally unbound from all roles and identities. Free to express authority without being bound by it, and free to express compassion without suffering it. If you are ready, coming into contact with Artem will provide a mirror of yourself. You will see the multitude of ways you are bound and the vast psychological territories you hide from yourself. If you are brave enough to look, and with just a bit of luck, you may find Freedom.


Artem is as clear a teacher as you can find. He's direct, uncomplicated and unambiguous. A beautiful writer and a beautiful human.

Artem has taught me that I am always home. The nostalgia and longing that arises, that's just here too. He put a crack in my belief that identification with consciousness is the absolute truth and he's given me love and support in those painful moments when I glimpsed that I have no solid foundation.

He's helped me put to rest the burning desire to "know". From here, I just have to look.


I have really enjoyed reading and watching Artem’s teachings. They resonate and make sense. Artem helped me understand what intimacy means and understand myself better through showing me my own fear of intimacy that I had been subtly aware of but wasn’t able to fully see. He also has taught me how to get more in touch with my body and to pay attention to my feelings until they dissipate. My feelings don’t need to dictate my actions or my life. I can just feel them and give them attention. I am grateful for Artem’s teachings.


Artem helped me move deeper just after my self-realization by showing me that my emotional suffering had to be accepted, rather than pushed away. Meeting him was one of the most important parts of my spiritual path and I am forever grateful for his guidance and the community he has established.


When I first found Artem's work, I was a struggling alcoholic, afraid of intimacy in any way, and saw no truth in any optimistic perspective. I joined his Discord server because I felt I had to start applying myself to spirituality honestly, even in small ways.

Over time, getting to know the space and the lovely people that make it up allowed me to talk through things I'd never been able to with people who had a similar goal to mine, which is freedom from past conditioning. This comfort then allowed me to start making better decisions for myself and break addictive habits.

I also attended and helped organize an in person retreat with Artem and some core members of our group. The retreat experience was deeply healing and served as a turning point in my understanding of myself.

Because of all my experience, I highly recommend interacting with Artem and True Freedom Teachings in any way, whether reading his writings, watching his videos, asking him questions, speaking to him privately, or coming to see him in person. He's the real deal, and I'm so grateful for the attention he's given to me and our community.


I want to thank Artem for all his efforts and hard work. His Quora answers, website, Discord community, and one-on-one chats have been of tremendous help to me. He has been the most important spiritual teacher in my journey and I am grateful to him from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much! ❤️


I came in touch with True Freedom Teachings in the year 2019 and since then I have gained so many insights by reading the content shared by Artem, being on the True Freedom Discord server and connecting with so many other people.

I am truly and deeply grateful towards Artem for creating a beautiful safe community for anyone around the world as it is freely accessible. I have been growing wisely by taking help from this forum, by learning from everyone and by sharing things honestly. Through the tough phases of my life, reading the insights and connecting with people for support helps me be more open and accepting of all life situations.

Artem has been constantly available for any queries and doubts that we have in our experience of the spiritual path. His authentic guidance could help anyone who is genuine in walking the journey of self-knowledge.


What I appreciate most about Artem is that he provides a space free of taboos. It is possible to reveal even the darkest and heaviest aspects of one's inner world to him without being judged. Not only is there no judgment, but he understands and empathizes, providing reassurance that even the worst parts of the human experience which usually are shamed and swept under the rug are okay and that it's possible to experience them and emerge from them.

Whether I talked to him about "minor" or "major" things, he simply listens attentively and shares his perspective and experience, often providing valuable insight. If it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't have dared to start exploring even the darkest and most disturbing aspects of myself.


Artem is a wonderfully clear, honest and truthful teacher. I insist on “truthful” because it is so rare these days. Most people who claim enlightenment are far from his state and it's okay, since as he said many times, the fully enlightened state is quite difficult to "achieve" because it takes a lot of spiritual work, especially releasing emotional trauma, but it's possible. Artem helped me in a very specific phase of my life when I was still very spiritual and had a lot of spiritual ego.

He is direct and honest, and will not hesitate to tell you when your ego is getting a little bit full of itself. And I do like that. I have suffered enough in my life to be deluded by someone who will try putting me into another dream, which he won't, you can count on that! But he does it in a sweet, kind way. Artem has a very intense presence but it's full of love, compassion and is very grounded.

At last, Artem is the only teacher in the world I am aware of right now who speaks of the last step of the dream. Getting back into the body. This shows that he is beyond the non-dual teachings (nothing/everything) and he's perhaps the only teacher who will tell you that life is not “just a dream”. It is also real and it will end one day, so enjoy it to the fullest! Highly recommend!


The process of healing can be a confusing and lonely journey into the depths of the mind, but Artem’s teachings make the path clearer than any teacher I have ever encountered. He has a tremendous understanding of the psyche and communicates his teachings beautifully. He is also quite sensitive to the differing needs of his students and has a knack for identifying what is needed to nudge someone in the right direction.

It would have taken me many, many years to reach the levels of peace and joy I experience now if I didn’t have Artem’s help, and I am deeply grateful to have found him.


Both Artem’s teachings and his pristine clarity have been instrumental in helping me discover my deep inner freedom, and he’s helped many others do the same.

4 years ago I came to see that there was nothing else I wanted more than to end the experiential grip of suffering. That day I discovered Artem’s writings on Quora, which deeply resonated — and in my desperation for relief I asked him for a call.

That night we spoke for 2.5 hours. Before that call we were complete strangers, yet he knew me. He gave me his full attention, knew exactly what I was dealing with, why and how I struggled, welcomed me to his Discord community and told me I could reach out any time. He saw me no different than how he saw himself when he was going through the same thing.

I remember asking, “how did you get free?” He said, “accept all your experience, your thoughts, feelings, everything.” I didn’t even know what it meant to accept, let alone feel. These past 4 years have been some of the best years of my life. Artem taught me to understand myself so throughly, that now I can be a light unto myself and of benefit to others. If you have any inkling to talk with him, listen to that. It is your inner essence guiding you back home.

I am so completely and utterly grateful to you Artem, thank you! ❤️


After applying the teachings of Artem Boytsov/True Freedom, every dimension of my life has improved in ways I genuinely wouldn't have imagined possible for me nor anyone else. It took no more than 6 months of following his teachings to experience my first deep, profound shift in well-being, a permanent shift that would forever alter the course of my life allowing for deep transformation and deconditioning to take place on its own, effortlessly.

The effects of my personal transformation have and continue to ripple into countless beings in my life, including my mother and several friends who are now committed to the path of healing. I suspect it would have taken decades if not lifetimes to attain the level of well-being I have attained in just a few years under Artem's guidance. I cannot emphasize how much my baseline sense of well-being has improved, and equally, how my capacity for human connection has grown and continues to grow.

I am learning to truly live. I am learning to truly love, without conditions. I have become my own parent. This is the greatest gift. Thank you, Artem! ❤️


Life was dark and lonely when I first discovered Artem's teachings. I had just moved back home after a breakdown and couldn't even work. I felt lost, ashamed, and hopeless. Then, I stumbled upon Artem's writings on Quora. It was like finding a light in the darkness. His words were like a warm embrace, filled with understanding and compassion. He spoke about life, hardship, and the ego in a way that resonated with my deepest struggles. For days, I devoured everything he wrote, feeling a sense of calm and hope washing over me. And just when I needed it most, Artem opened his online community, True Freedom. I was lucky enough to be one of the first 13 members!

Artem is unlike anyone I've ever met. He has wisdom and kindness that shine through everything he does. He sees things I don't even realize are there, and explains them in a way that makes everything click. He's not about bragging or showing off, he's simply dedicated to helping others find self-love and freedom.

It's been 5 years since I met Artem, and my life has changed beyond recognition. No longer am I lost in depression and anxiety, contemplating the unthinkable. Instead, I'm happier and more successful than I ever thought possible. Talking to Artem and knowing he accepts and loves me (and everyone else) for who we are has given me incredible strength. He helps me see the good in myself, even when it's hard. If you're searching for a truly special teacher, someone who can guide you on your journey towards self-growth and happiness, look no further than Artem and his True Freedom community. His teachings have transformed my life, and I can't recommend them highly enough.


I am very grateful to have Artem as my teacher. I was immediately drawn to him because of his honest, straightforward and clear approach to healing. When I first had a glimpse into my pain and my mind, I spent hours reading on different teachings/approaches. But Artem’s words spoke very deeply to my heart. It was authentic, real and truthful. It was also very relevant and there was no fluff. He focuses on exploring our triggers and wounds and encourages us to focus on what we are feeling to fully accept our current experience. I’ve cried many tears in front of him, and I he never judged me for it.

Artem embodies true love and affection to ourselves. I still remember the tears in my eyes when he said, “the most important person in this world is you”. Artem is also very skilled at noticing the contradictory thought patterns in our minds and leading us back to the emotions surrounding the wound they emerge from. I also like that his teachings are relevant to this day and age. I appreciate that he touches upon taboo topics and allows us to explore our feelings around them as well.

He has been through this path and seen his own pain. And he really wishes to help others find their way home. His community and teachings are truly a work of his love. There is an abundance of support in his community as this process can be difficult. I’m very grateful for him.
